I used to discuss other subjects on this blog. I can't really even recall what they were, though I suppose you can find it in the archives. But it's music for now. Videos (with accompanying mp3s when available) for the songs you must have to make your soul complete.
The Go! Team - Doing It Right
Doing it Right is from Proof of Youth, the 2nd album from Brighton, England's Go! Team, released this past September. Not a huge departure from 2004's Thunder Lightning Strike, its still an awesome mix of indie and dance sensibilities with unbridled joy to get you groovin'. And my 7-year old son pronounced it his new favorite song yesterday. I think the schoolyard-sounding sing along part won him over.
You can download an mp3 of Doing It Right here, courtesy of the fine mp3 blog Can You See The Sunset From The Southside.
Links of Note:
Go! Team on wikipedia.
Official Band Site
The obligatory band myspace page
What Pitchfork told you to think about Proof of Youth (Rating 7.2)
What PopMatters told you to think
ETA: 2/11/2008: Well, I can see I have no inspiration to really be an mp3 blogger. Scratch that idea.