The Right: No he didn't!!! He just revealed that the person married to Joe Wilson, whoever that may be (is he mormon? he could have many wives. or was he from Massachusetts? he could have a male spouse), worked for the CIA, and sent him to Niger!! He didn't say it was Valerie Plame. He didn't say she was a covert operative. If I told you 'it was the person who broke up Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston' -- i didn't say it was Angelina Jolie! i didn't! who told you that? Besides, it wasn't Angelina anyway . . .
The Left: This is the worst trangression in government since Benedict Arnold! Any government employee who does not know the text of 50 USC 421 (aka the Bedrock of Democracy Protection Statute entitled "Protection of identities of certain United States undercover intelligence officers, agents, informants, and sources") by heart is not fit for office! Rove must resign. Then Bush must resign. Then Cheney must resign. Then Howard Dean must be appointed President and install Koz as his VP. AAAARRRGGGHHH! - fairly sensible post actually. not as much righty blog-commentary yet on this.